4 steps to get appointment in AIIMS Delhi
According to director AIIMS Shree M. C Mishra AIIMS has become a household name in India and abroad with people from all strata of society looking up to it to provide unbiased, affordable and quality healthcare. This stature and trust from fellow citizens has not come overnight. It has taken decades of extreme hard work by our founding fathers to reach to this level.

Follow these simple 4 steps below and get your appointment fixed online! at biggest hospital of India. AIIMS is a tertiary care hospital kindly reach only after secondary care hospital referral.
Please take a referral from your hospital.
1. Verify yourself using your Aadhaar Number.
2. Choose Hospital / Department.
3. Select date of appointment.
4. Get confirmation sms.
Only after confirmation on mobile please head towards this great hospital.
नीचे दिए गए सरल चरणों का पालन करें और अपनी नियुक्ति पाने के लिए ऑनलाइन तय!
आधार संख्या का उपयोग कर अपने आप को सत्यापित। अस्पताल / विभागों चुनें। नियुक्तियों की तारीख का चयन करें। पुष्टि एसएमएस मिलता है।
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